Sinitic | Chinese | Korean | Kang-Wŏn | Petzold | Conze |
Plato | Kant | Taylor | Bahnsen | Deussen | Kayser | Leider

East Asian Buddhist Exhortations

元曉 發心修行章
Wŏnhyo (617-686) Arouse Your Mind and Practice!
Robert E. Buswell (1993) Sourcebook of Korean Civilization, Vol. I
圭峄宗密 法集別行録
知訥 節要並人私記
Kuei-feng Tsung-mi (780-841) Dharma Collection & Special Practice Record
Chinul (1158-1210) Excerpts with Personal Notes
Robert E. Buswell (1983) The Korean Approach to Zen (262-384)
知訥 誡初心學人文
Chinul (1158-1210) Admonitions to Beginning Students
Robert E. Buswell (1983) The Korean Approach to Zen (135-139)
真覺慧諶 禪門拈頌
Chin'gak Hyesim (1178-1234) Collection of Enlightened Verses
野雲 自警文
Yaun (~1376) Text for Self-Warning

Genuine Korean Texts

SIR project BOX


well done